Embarking on a Supported Independent Living (SIL) journey is a significant step towards greater independence and an improved quality of life for individuals with disabilities. As you prepare to make this transition, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the necessary steps and requirements that will ultimately make your journey a success. That’s why we’ve created the ultimate checklist to ensure you have everything you need for a smooth and seamless transition into SIL.

This comprehensive checklist covers all aspects of preparing for your new lifestyle, from assessing your needs and setting realistic goals to evaluating potential SIL providers and getting your finances in order. By following this checklist, you’ll gain the confidence and assurance needed to embrace SIL with open arms and set yourself on the path towards greater independence and personal growth. So, without further ado, let’s dive in and explore this invaluable resource designed to kickstart your Supported Independent Living journey.

1. Assessing Your Needs and Setting Goals

Before embarking on your Supported Independent Living journey, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your individual needs, abilities, and goals. Take the time to engage in self-reflection, considering the type of support and services you require to achieve greater independence. Consider the following when assessing your needs:

– Daily living skills: Assess your current abilities in managing personal care, meal preparation, housekeeping, and other essential tasks.

– Mobility requirements: Evaluate your mobility needs, considering whether you require any assistive devices or modifications to your living space.

– Social engagement: Consider your social needs, such as building and maintaining friendships, participating in community events, or engaging in hobbies.

– Health and well-being: Assess your medical and mental health needs, including access to medical services and appropriate support for maintaining overall well-being.

After assessing your needs, set realistic and achievable goals for your SIL journey. These may include developing daily living skills, increasing social connections, or addressing health and well-being challenges.

2. Researching SIL Providers and Options

With a clear understanding of your needs and goals, you’re now better equipped to find a suitable SIL provider. Research and compare various providers, carefully considering their service offerings, experience, and reputation. Keep the following factors in mind during your search:

– Service range: Ensure the provider offers a comprehensive range of services that cater to your specific needs and goals.

– Expertise and experience: Confirm that the provider’s team has the relevant qualifications, experience, and expertise to support individuals with disabilities effectively.

– Values and approach: Assess whether the provider shares your values and offers a person-centred approach to care and support.

– Testimonials and references: Seek out testimonials and references from current or past clients to validate your decision.

During this process, it may be helpful to create a shortlist of potential providers and arrange meetings to discuss your requirements and goals in person.

3. Financial Planning and Budgeting

A crucial aspect of transitioning to SIL is ensuring you have the necessary funding and financial planning in place. Review your NDIS plan to understand the supports and funding you’re eligible for and consider how they align with your SIL goals. The following factors may be worth considering when planning and budgeting for your SIL journey:

– NDIS funding: Determine the level of NDIS funding you’re eligible for and how it’s allocated to categories such as core, capacity building, or capital supports.

– Cost of services: Research the cost of services, such as daily living support, therapy, or equipment, and ensure they align with your NDIS funding.

– Housing options: Consider the costs associated with your preferred housing option, including rent, utilities, maintenance, and any modifications required for accessibility.

– Contingencies: Set aside a portion of your budget for unforeseen expenses and emergencies that may arise during your SIL journey.

4. Creating a Support Network

As you transition to Supported Independent Living, it’s essential to have a strong support network in place to assist you along the way. This may include family members, friends, professionals, or peers who can provide guidance, encouragement, and assistance when needed. Consider the following steps to build and strengthen your support network:

– Communicate your goals: Share your SIL goals with your network and keep them informed of your progress, challenges, and achievements.

– Engage in activities and groups: Participate in local social groups, events, or online communities to connect with peers, professionals, and other individuals with disabilities who share your interests and goals.

– Seek out professional assistance: Consider engaging professional services such as support coordination, financial planning, or therapy to manage your subsequent life changes.

5. Preparing for the Move

Once you’ve secured your ideal SIL provider, it’s time to start preparing for the move. This may involve organising a moving date, packing, obtaining necessary medical records, and completing any final administrative tasks. Keep the following tips in mind:

– Packing and transport: Prepare a moving timetable, declutter your possessions, and pack items thoughtfully, ensuring essential belongings are easily accessible during the move.

– Medical documentation: Obtain up-to-date medical records and prescriptions from your healthcare providers to ensure a seamless transition in care.

– Legal and financial documentation: Collect any necessary legal and financial documents, such as identification, banking information, and utility account details.

6. Embracing the Change

As you settle into your new Supported Independent Living environment, it’s essential to remain open to change and adaptable to new experiences. Embrace new routines, embrace the support of your network, and engage with your community to foster a sense of belonging and purpose. Regularly reassess your progress in achieving your goals, and don’t hesitate to ask for assistance or make adjustments when needed.

Ultimately, embarking on a Supported Independent Living journey is a significant milestone in achieving greater independence and personal growth. By following this comprehensive checklist, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the transition and embrace the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.


Transitioning to Supported Independent Living is a life-changing experience for individuals with disabilities seeking increased autonomy and personal growth. By diligently following this comprehensive checklist, you’ll be better prepared to embrace this new chapter in your life with confidence. Prioritise understanding your unique needs, setting realistic goals, researching suitable SIL providers, planning finances, building a strong support network, preparing for the move, and embracing the changes ahead.

At Inner Health Counselling and Support, we’re dedicated to providing holistic support services to help individuals with disabilities thrive in their journey towards Supported Independent Living. Our experienced and compassionate team is committed to ensuring the best possible outcomes for each person we serve. Visit our website or contact us today to learn more about how we can empower you on your path towards greater independence, connection, and well-being.

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