NDIS Registered

Providers Service 

Here to Serve

Our Services

We conduct detailed assessments of your needs and are able to help you tailor services to your requirements using a person-centred approach. As trusted NDIS registered providers in Brisbane, we ensure our services align with your goals and preferences.

If needing help with any of these services or multiple services, please complete the Services Enquiry form underneath, click send and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your needs and available support.

NDIS Service Providers Brisbane
Therapeutic Support

We have Counsellors, Mental Health Social Workers, Psychologists and Physiotherapists that support you in getting better.

Psychologist, Counsellor, Physiotherapist or Mental Health Social Worker

Our approach is based on the values and standards of the NDIS, with emphasis on choice and control, so if you need services to help you get through some challenges, you have the choice of deciding on whether you would like to see a Psychologist, a Qualified Counsellor or an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker. All these people have the right skills and experience to support you in getting through and building greater capacity to manage situations relating to personal and social issues.

Are you looking to move out of home to live by yourself, or with other housemates with whom you have shared or similar interests? Are you looking for a location that is close enough to amenities such as hospitals, shops, recreational centres, but also still close enough to family and friends? We have SIL accommodation with Support Staff in Brisbane, Morayfield and Scarborough, ensuring your needs are still catered to.

NDIS registered providers Brisbane

Moving from one stage in life to another can be challenging to move through without the right support. We can help you get through situations that seem difficult in terms of adjusting by helping you map out the right services and support. We provide assistance in managing life stages, transitions and supports in order to strengthen your ability to move through different stages of life such as leaving school, starting an apprenticeship or a job, moving out of home or even starting relationships.

Community Access

Are you looking at participating in activities in the community that would reduce your sense of isolation and increase your self-esteem as well as meet your personal set goals of living a meaningful life? We can certainly assist with that as we recruit amazing Support Workers with the right qualifications and experience and are correctly matched to meet your needs. They can take you shopping, visits to families and friends, as well as other places that you are interested in.

Short Term Accommodation/Respite

We offer Short Term Accommodation, including respite, and for support and accommodation for a short time away from your usual home. This includes providing care to you in our amazing accommodations for up to 14 days at a time. You might have a short stay with other people, or by yourself. This can be quite useful when your usual carers aren’t available, or for you to try new things.

Medium Term Accommodation

Do you need a place that feels more like home to you whilst your own home could be undergoing renovations or some modifications? Are you awaiting the plans for your long-term accommodation to come to fruition but needing somewhere to stay whilst all those are being put in place? If yes, we can certainly support your staying in one of our amazing properties, whilst you maintain your regular lifestyle so there is very little disruption to life.

Helpful Information

Supported Independent Living in Brisbane

Supported Independent Living  or SIL services, is an NDIS service and funding solution that we make available in suburbs across Brisbanesuch as Morayfield, Scarborough and surrounding suburbs.

The NDIS offers the SIL service and funding solution, also known as Supported Independent Living, to provide you with round-the-clock support and care to individuals living with illness or physical disabilities.

December 14, 2023


November 16, 2023


November 2, 2023


October 25, 2023


General Support, Service and NDIS Information

January 9, 2025


January 9, 2025


January 17, 2024


January 10, 2024


About Us

We are a quality minded NDIS Service Provider with the core focus and strengths in provision of Psycho-social, Intellectual and Physical Disability Supports. We cover Queensland, NSW and Victoria. With over 21 years' experience in the Mental Health and Disability Sectors, you can be certain to receive services that are tailored to your individual needs, goals and circumstances. As a Person-Centred service provider, we pride ourselves in our determined efforts and ability to match you with the staff that is qualified, skilled and experienced, and has the right personality to suit you and your needs. Our approach and consistency are commended by participants and other service providers.


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